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Decadent Chocolate Mousse

Prep Time:

10 Minutes

Cook Time:

2 Hours in Fridge


4 Servings



About the Recipe


  • 13.5 oz can of coconut cream (best brands are Whole Foods, Thrive, Native Forest, Savoy or Aroy-D)

  • 1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder (Thrive)

  • 3 tbs maple sugar

  • 1 tsp vanilla

  • Top with fresh berries


Step 1

Either refrigerate the coconut milk can overnight, or open and freeze about 10 minutes. (I store a can in the fridge so there’s always one ready to go. Be sure to use full-fat canned coconut milk for this recipe. Try not to shake the can, because you want the cream separate from the water underneath.)

Once cold, open the can and transfer only the thick part to a bowl. Discard the watery part, or save for another recipe. Using either a stand mixer or hand beaters whip the cream until smooth. Add remaining ingredients and whip until it forms a mousse-like texture.

Step 2

Divide mixture beween 4 small desert bowls. Top with cocoa nibs & fresh berries.

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